Well its official I've raced my first race this race was a little bit rough as there was an accident ahead of me and I couldn't avoid it. A three car pile up and I was the only one who got back out and finished racing. I pulled my car onto the front strech and started ripping and tearing then I went to the pits and finished my quick repairs by the time I was done I had no front end on my car....that's right no hood,fenders,or nose but my car still ran strong. My car was only in primer this week by the time next race comes it will be painted a new colour. Blue with orange lettering it should look sharp.
May 29th
What an awesome race day. I got my first heat race win. It feels awesome and the car looked alot better, as I got it all painted and looking really good. I was really happy that the car came back in one solid piece, lets hope we can keep it all together.
June 4th
Well there was no racing this weekend but there was some mud bogs at the track I didn't make it down to the mud bogs because I was at Mike and Tridene's wedding. Congrats guys. Anyways from what I've heard, the mud bogs went over well.
We did pretty good this weekend we got a couple of 3rds and finished about 6th in the main. We got the car going pretty good and a little bit more seat time and I should be getting faster. From what I've heard from some of my fans I am getting quicker and becoming a smoother driver. Once again my car came back in one piece.
June 28, 2006

Talk about a rough day, it started by being a pall bearer at my best friends funeral. Lorena Mae Lynn Mocko was shot and killed at a party on Saturday by a guy taking his own life, it is a shame that he will never know just how much he took from us.
I dedicated my whole night of racing to Lorena, starting with a backwards memorial lap. My angel was riding shotgun that is all I can say, I swept every race that night. I won the trophy dash, both of my heat races and I won the Hobby Stock Main Event with my Dad right behind me, this race meant so much to me, as did Lorena... RIP my friend, I will always love you and miss you more!!!
August 25, 2007
What a night!!! I jumped in the drivers seat of the #66 car tonight as Dad was racing his IMCA stock in Lethbridge.
I won the "A" Trophy Dash, and then went on to win the Main Event!!! When we are racing in both places we have to split the crew, well most of the crew wanted to go to Lethbridge, but Luke Dellasiega showed up and helped me out. Rod and Jordan Talbot helped as well, as we were pitted all together. Jordan raced her first race in her new race car today, She did awesome, and I am confident that she will have the #13 in the winners circle soon.
I also want to thank Cori and Brittany for all their support, it is great to have friends like you that are also fans!!!

IMCA 2008 Season

Here is my 2008 IMCA car, I had to switch numbers as 77 was already taken in this series. So watch out for the 87!!!